The Wildlife animals play a HUGE role in maintaining the food chain, to supply the food and nutrients we need in our everyday life.
For instance, like the picture above, every animals are interconnected among each other. If for an example, the Owl is extinct, the population of the animals that is relying on Owls for survival will slowly decrease and it will therefore leads to extinction too. And this cycle continues and it will wipe out the whole ecosystem eventually.
And this WILL definitely affects us as well too because we're part of the big ecosystem!
All around the Earth, populations of most species of frogs and toads are declining. Not only are the adult frogs are dying, but a majority of their eggs are not hatching and most of the few hatched tadpoles are dying as well. A number of species of frogs and toads have already become extinct; more than would be expected at previous rates of species loss over the past few centuries. Meanwhile, a very few species of frogs and toads are thriving. Scientists are scrambling to find the reasons why.
WHO CARES!!, you might say. But the thing is We all should! The frog is the "miner's canary" for our environment. Frogs and toads have passed through numerous mass extinctions for nearly 300 million years. What has made them such robust survivors is their remarkable skin. It is permeable to water and air borne substances such as oxygen. Frog skin is a complex chemical factory as well. It produces a protective coating to prevent desiccation. The skin of several species of frogs and toads produces potent antibiotics and predator repelling toxins.
Frog skin is vulnerable to ultraviolet light. Frogs may, therefore, be the first casualty of ozone-layer depletion. Because its skin is so permeable, the frog is also sensitive to air, water, and soil pollutants. Dying frogs may indicate that the worldwide concentration of pollutants has reached a lethal level for them. If frogs go, can we be far behind?
Animals play a part in the ecosystem, and they also bring beauty to the Earth as well. Animals are and SHOULD be conserved due to their beauty they brought to Earth. Thus, animals are protected because people are interested in them and would like to see these animals still running in the wild. It tempts adventurers and travelers to explore the beauty of the wildlife sanctuaries and parks.
The following pictures are some captivating pictures of the wildlife animals :)